BRANSON 2505- Grande Campanha – Stock Limitado

€ 11650


Membro Desde Novembro 5, 2022

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Detalhes do anúncio

  • ID do Anúncio: 4002

  • Adicionado: Novembro 5, 2022

  • Preço de venda: € 11650

  • Localização: Portugal

  • Estado: Santarém

  • Cidade: Abrantes

  • Visualizações: 419



Tractor Novo com Garantia total de Fábrica.

Esta campanha é válida para clientes sem retoma e até rotura de stock.

Ao valor apresentado acresce as taxas legais em vigor.

CRÉDITO ATÉ 120 MESES COM/SEM ENTRADA (peça cotação por e-mail).

Nota: A informação disponibilizada, ainda que precisa, não dispensa a sua confirmação.

Consulte-nos através do nosso contacto para qualquer esclarecimento.


ABRANTRACTORES Concessionário Oficial da Marca BRANSON.

Visite-nos em:

Av. D.Manuel I, 2200-200 Alferrarede-Abrantes


Tractor Marca Branson

Tratores de 25 HP.

BRANSON 2900 equipado de série com transmissão 6Fx2R que é facilmente manuseável

– Transmissão desenhada para oferecer performance e níveis de eficiência elevados

– Os 650 Kg de capacidade de levantamento dos braços de acoplamento traseiro de alfaias proporcionam inúmeras possibilidades de trabalho.

– A tomada de força independente com com duas velocidades de trabalho, permite ao operador alternar entre 540 e 960 rpm para trabalhos eficazes.

– Bloqueio de diferencial, para fácil progressão em terrenos difíceis.

– Capot e guarda lamas traseiros metálicos revestidos com materiais resistentes à descoloração provocada pelos raios U.V.

Todo o tipo de alfaias.

A melhor gama de Máquinas Agrícolas, sofisticada e inovadora, respondendo a todas as necessidades do mercado e construindo relações de confiança com os nossos clientes.

A nossa equipa especializada garante a Assistência Técnica e Manutenção Total atualizada, de forma a garantir a sua satisfação.


Estatísticas de ofertas : 16  Ofertas publicados neste anúncio

Oferta mais alta: € 0

Oferta mais baixa: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0


Janeiro 19, 2023

Hello My name is Aneta Dymtrus, I am working with the Red Cross humanitarian office in Kyiv Ukraine, I want to share some investment plans and projects that would be deemed of interest to you. Please contact me on my email address on for more details. Kind Regards. Aneta Dymtrus

Licitar: € 0

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Preço do Anúncio

€ 11650

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